Welcome! This YouTube channel is host to all of Reese Oliveira's contemporary Christian music videos. My name is Suzy Oliveira. I'm Reese's mom and her music video director/producer (and sometimes cinematographer). We've been making music videos together for many years! (She's the audio and I'm the video!) We hope you stop and stay a while!

In addition to singing Christian music, Reese also writes and sings pop music. Her first album, "My Moment" was released in 2023, and you can find it on all platforms (and some FUN music videos can be found on her official channel here): youtube.com/@reeseoliveira.
Her younger content (classified as a kids channel) is here: youtube.com/@ReeseOliveiraOfficial

We sincerely thank you for stopping by! Every view, share, comment, like, follow, subscribe, all the things...really helps us keep going!
