Unlock the boundless potential within you.
100 Most Influential Global HR Leader | 101 Global HR Hero | Author | Public Speaker | Mentor | Founder & Host of #HRwithEM | 📧 hello@enmichael.ng | www.enmichael.ng
I help future leaders (entry- and mid-level professionals and managers) and job seekers (greenhorns and career transitioners) leverage their potential to accomplish their dreams (become leaders in their chosen career and/or land their dream jobs).
#HRwithEM is a platform where we #Connect, to #Learn and #Share on everything leadership, career development, and employee experience.
#HRwithEM operates through Channels, which include this YouTube channel.
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#HRwithEM... Your HR encyclopedia!
#Leadership #Management #CareerDevelopment #LeadershipCoaching #CareerCoaching #SuccessCoaching
Shared 4 years ago