Tales of Terra Essentia

Tales of Terra Essentia is a series of Homebrew D&D 5E campaign that takes place in the world of Terra Essentia.

Heroes and Hotdogs is about a group of people who wake up in hell and are sent on a mission to destroy the Dark Crystals.
Omega Corps is about stopping apocalypses and fixing the timeline.
Horsemen of the Multiverse is about a group of mercenaries co-opted by The Bone Lord to collect essences of evil for his tome of power.

These games feature around a dozen different players across the games with a few crossing over.

These episodes are (sometimes) edited versions of real D&D gameplay and the players are not told anything ahead of time. You will also notice throughout the campaign that I create and test several Homebrew classes. They get regularly re-balanced between sessions throughout the campaign, so if you notice a slight change to how things work, that is why.