I currently play on PS5. My gamertag is Big_Josh_P. My channel was inactive from 2014-2022. Most my views and subscribers have come in the last year. I use to upload my own music, I am now more focused on streaming. But the channel will focus on anything I'm interested in. Whether that be hip-hop news, rock music, metal, pop, music news in general, WWE, UFC, gaming, gaming news, comics, any type of entertainment news. Basically this channel might attract fans from No Jumper, DJ Akademiks, GTA Online, Assassin's Creed Games, rock music, hip hop, lol I've had subscriber spikes off of different videos that have nothing to do with each other. So you might subscribe to me from a gaming video and then see me upload some hip hop drama beef type video and be like "when TF did I sub to this guy?" 😂 But anyway the channel is probably going to be pretty random. Enjoy!
Shared 6 months ago
Shared 1 year ago
Shared 1 year ago