Simple Living • Permaculture • Growing food • Edible and Medicinal Plants • Compost and Worms • Practical gardening tips • Off the Grid Living • Nature Kids • Education for Sustainability • Fabulous Interviews

Morag Gamble

New film coming soon - a tour of an amazing suburban permaculture backyard. Can't wait to share it with you. What kinds of youtubes do you want me to make more of...?

2 years ago | [YT] | 52

Morag Gamble

Come and join us, still live over at the Earth Restorers Guide Crowdfunder

2 years ago | [YT] | 1

Morag Gamble

My recent permaculture masterclass recorded last Monday can be viewed here. The topic is 'Permaculture approaches to storing carbon in the soil' - soil repair as climate activism: practical earth repair you can do anywhere. Feel free to share this informative and practical session about how important it is to focus on drawing down carbon into the soil - both for the climate and our food system - and ways we can do this in our own gardens and support farmers who do it too. #permaculture #climateaction #drawdown #soil #biochar #compost #regenerativeagriculture #localfood

5 years ago | [YT] | 17

Morag Gamble

Thank you!! We have almost gathered enough funds to support a free permaculture education program in west Kenya this month. We just need a little more. $50 buys a real seed, tool and information kit for a new permaculture teacher in Please donate generously. We are trying to raise $1500 in 2 days! Please watch to the video from me, and a special message just sent in from Jane and Moses from Kenya and share widely. We welcome your donations through the Ethos Foundation - a registered Permaculture Charity . I am the Executive Director and personally guarantee that all these funds reach the community in need.

5 years ago | [YT] | 6

Morag Gamble

Please share. I'm reading panic here not in the sense of going into a 'flap', but fuelling the fire in our bellies to move, to act, to speak up with confidence and sheer determination that we are going to make a difference; that we can turn things around; that we do deeply care enough to be the change. Every voice counts. Every act makes a difference. Every decision has an impact. Every day matters.

5 years ago | [YT] | 17

Morag Gamble

Check out this great permaculture TEDx talk with the fabulous permaculture musician, Charlie McGee.

5 years ago | [YT] | 6

Morag Gamble

Fabulous NEW film just released on ‪@MoragGambleOurPermacultureLife‬ . Enjoy, Share, Subscribe

5 years ago | [YT] | 7

Morag Gamble

Thanks for watching Our Permaculture Life. It’s a delight to be sharing my permaculture life and garden with you. Coming soon are a whole new series of films. Stay tuned!

5 years ago | [YT] | 17

Morag Gamble

Did you see my recent masterclass "12 ways to make growing food easy". In this session I show you how create simple edible abundance in your garden. These are some of the strategies I teacher as part of my new comprehensive online permaculture educators program. This program includes both a Permaculture Design Certificate and a Permaculture Teacher Certificate - a double permaculture program! I have been quietly teaching permaculture for 25 years in 22 countries, and love sharing permaculture ways of teaching, living, growing and designing. You can start this course any time, work at your own pace, in your own place. For 44 weeks, I send you a weekly module that you can complete at a time that suits you. Through this program, I am committed to offering you personal support and connection to an international community of practice, weekly Q&A sessions, and monthly masterclasses like this. I do hope you enjoy this free permaculture class, and if you'd like to make permaculture your livelihood as well as your lifestyle visit You can register any time. Maybe 2019 is the year to finally do your permaculture design course and become a teacher in your local community.

6 years ago | [YT] | 6

Morag Gamble

Check out this great new film about permaculture in the suburbs.

6 years ago | [YT] | 9