Over 121 of our athletes have been drafted by MLB...
Texas Baseball Ranch™ pitching camp, led by renowned coach Ron Wolforth is a place of great hope, high expectations, and even greater passion, energy and encouragement. It's a sanctuary from all the negativity, pessimism and bad coaching that exists elsewhere.
Want to increase your fastball velocity and throw 90, 95, 100 mph? We'll show you how.
Want to throw hard AND have a healthy durable arm? You can!
Want to throw hard AND have great command? We know the secret.
We'll show you how to pitch harder, pitch faster, throw harder, throw a curveball, hitting drills, use weighted balls, and avoid common injuries like labrum tear and tommy john.
Since 2003, 408 students have broken the 90mph barrier, 140 students have broken the 94mph barrier and 20 the 100mph barrier. We lead the world in the objective measurement of baseball pitching training, transforming the lives of young men. Learn how to pitch harder and faster. Join us!
Shared 55 years ago