We need to get involved in this election. Our economy is in tatters. We have deficit almost 10 trillion. We owe China, a country which is still a communist country, a lot of our national debts. Our health system ignores over 40 million of our people who are not insured. Our veterans who need medical attention are ignored. Our education system from kindergarten to college needs overhauling. Our confidence in our government is at its lowest ebb. We lost our moral leadership in the world. Prices for oil are skyrocketing providing oil companies with 40 billion dollars profit. Lobbyists are buying our elected officials to protect their interests.
We need to elect a candidate that is not yet tarnished with the ways of Washington. I find Barack Obama a real potential.
We the people have the choice on how we are governed and by whom. Failing to go out and vote is unthinkable at such times. It will be the beginning of the end of the America our forefathers fought for and handed us over.