I create content campaigns for a living. My client roster includes A-listers from all over the world.
If you are a business owner who could use more traffic, more raving fans, more customers, and more notoriety for what you sell – this channel could be a 1-way ticket to paradise.

WARNING: while this channel includes a detailed guide to producing content that sells – it is not an “easy fix” button. The advice must be followed in order for it to work. If you like to read random stuff on the internet but don’t enjoy the follow-through – nobody (myself included) will be able to help you.

Please put your implementation hat on for a moment.

👉🏻 If you’re ready to turn your videos into profit powerhouses for your business click below to grab the “I can’t believe she gave this away for free” gameplan

Marley Jaxx

I know you put tons of effort into each post...
So why is your content potentially getting a few likes, and almost no impact on your bottom line?

After 8 years of scaling the businesses you probably know…

I found it’s not because of Meta algorithm changes.

And the solution isn’t to “stay consistent and post more” either.


You don’t get paid for the amount of content you create,

You get paid to the level that your audience ENGAGES.

More engagement = the algorithm pushes you to more leads.

Which means you get a steadier stream of high-paying clients.

So here’s the top 3 methods to increase your content’s engagement ASAP:

Flip haters into your biggest money-makers
When haters comment on your posts,

The algorithm thinks:

“If I push this post to more users, they’ll also comment…”

“Which means they stay on the platform and I make more moolah.”

So share your raw beliefs in your content,

Even if they attract haters along with fans who become repeat-buyers.

2. ASK for more engagement..?
When you tell your viewers:

“Comment KEYWORD and I’ll send you my RESOURCE”...

They’re incentivised to engage.

And on top of that…

They become qualified leads because they’ve shown INTEREST in your business.

All you need is to tell viewers to engage.

(In exchange for an ebook, webinar, or training of course)

3. Leverage “Emotional Storytelling”
By “emotional storytelling”...

I’m not saying you always have to tell a sob story.

But sharing something that happened to you TODAY creates a connection with viewers too.

You feel… “authentic”.

Which is what gets viewers to comment “I love this. Keep these posts coming!”

And once you know how to tell any story effectively,

You can think of content ideas at the snap of your fingers.

So I have a question for you...

Want my “secret ELSA framework” for telling powerful stories in your content?

Play the content game with us starting on Monday to get access to it... you can grab your invite here:

(No, it’s not named after a Disney film… or is it?)

Play the game and find out ;)

6 days ago | [YT] | 22

Marley Jaxx

You know what’s harder than creating content?

Creating content that actually drives sales.

I’m talking about posts that make your audience stop scrolling…

videos that get shared like wildfire…

and content so binge-worthy that dream clients practically beg to get on the phone with you.

Most business owners struggle to make that kind of impact with their content. Why?

Because they’re flying blind.

Throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks.

Let me be blunt. It’s time to stop guessing and start playing The Content Game like a pro.

Here’s what I mean:

1. Stand on the Shoulders of Content Giants
If you’ve been trying to crack the content code by “copying” the big players in your industry… you’re doing it wrong. Just mimicking what others are doing won’t move the needle.
Inside The Content Game, I’m going to show you how to reverse engineer the exact content strategies used by industry leaders. This isn’t a copy-paste job. I’m talking about a step-by-step process to analyze what works and make it work for YOU. So you can create posts that get your audience to like, comment, share, and buy.

2. The “Link-Up” Method to Tap Into Audiences You Don’t Have Yet
You don’t need millions of followers to rake in sales… but you do need to know how to ethically leverage other expert’s audiences.
I’ll walk you through my simple “link-up” method that’s proven to drive sales… WITHOUT spending years trying to grow a mammoth-sized following. You’ll learn how to partner up with industry experts and influencers to get in front of the right people… and turn them into paying clients.

3. Turn Your Dream Clients Into Binge-Watchers
Imagine this: your dream clients don’t just stumble across your content—they binge-watch it like their favorite Netflix series. They get hooked on every post, every video, every piece you create… to the point where booking a call with you becomes a no-brainer.
Inside The Content Game, I’ll show you exactly how to structure your content so that it grabs attention and turns casual viewers into raving fans. When 2025 rolls around, you’ll be having enrollment calls, not sales calls.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what we’re covering in The Content Game.

If you’re ready to stop making content a grind and start making it your biggest salesperson… you need to be in this game.

The fun begins on October 21st, but the Pre-Game kicks off NOW.

Get ready to play full out, boost your revenue, and actually enjoy the process.

Join The Content Game before the doors close! www.playthecontentgame.com/invitation

1 week ago | [YT] | 13

Marley Jaxx

Let’s talk about the phrase “shortcut to success”.

Because most of the time, this is B.S.

I mean, come on. We’re business owners…

We know “get rich quick schemes” are fake.

Except, there’s one shortcut to more engagement on your content…

More predictable revenue in your business…

More time, happiness, and abundant relationships in your life.

Whatever you want, this can shortcut your path to it.

Jeff Bezos uses it. Steve Jobs used it. I swear by it.

“It”... is mentorship.

Why go through the trials of success on your own?

I used to “wing it” with no previous experience. But now I realize how arrogant that was.

On the other hand:

A mentor is someone who’s walked the walk, been through the trials, and has already solved YOUR problems.

You just need to ask… “how?”

Sure, some mentors will put you down 10k.

…But I want to be different.

So when you accept your invite to The Content Game starting on October 21st…

You’ll get access to direct coaching from ME.

This is personalized feedback, like my exclusive 1:1 clients who pay high-five-figures get.

Now, I’ll never sugar coat things for you.

You WILL have to put in the work.

But what if that work was just 10-30 extra minutes per day spent completing actionable steps that will scale your brand…

Scale your engagement…

And scale your monthly revenue consistently?

If you want to join this Content Game before it starts on October 21st,

Grab your invite here: www.playthecontentgame.com/invitation

If you act fast, you may still have time to get FREE tickets to my next private fly-in event too ;)

(Sorry if the first 20 smart entrepreneurs have taken this up already)

1 week ago | [YT] | 6

Marley Jaxx

From “This feels like work" to "This is going to change EVERYTHING.” 🔥

Today, I had the absolute pleasure of speaking to an incredible group of real estate agents…

The transformation I witnessed was ELECTRIC.

These agents walked in thinking of content creation as a chore,

something to check off their endless to-do lists.

But by the end they were fired up, excited, and ready to turn their content into a game-changing asset for their business.. 🙌

Seeing that shift from “this feels like work” to “this is going to change everything” is the reason I do this.

Watching those lightbulb moments when people realize that content isn’t just powerful - it’s fun!!! …is what lights me up every time.

These agents are about to skyrocket their visibility and success, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for them.

Huge shoutout to everyone who showed up, embraced new ideas, and made this event unforgettable.

The journey from burnout to breakthrough is what I live for, and I’m beyond excited to watch your businesses soar.

I put together a 30-day GAME to help your content strategy go from “work” to WINNING…

That’s right… in just 30 days. Let me know if you want it! 🙌🏼 www.playthecontentgame.com/

1 week ago | [YT] | 26

Marley Jaxx

Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to a group of 3500 real estate agents and let me tell you… everyone LOVES my ELSA framework.

Sometimes when preparing my speeches I think “ah maybe I’ll skip it this time, maybe they’ll think it’s cheesy…”

And every time I’m reminded why I should never LET IT GO (omg LOL 😅I couldn’t help it)

Someone from the audience yesterday made just ONE post using the framework and already has 3 buyer leads.

I’ll be teaching the ELSA framework again tomorrow at my speaking engagement in Park City and then at Internet Marketing Party in Austin on Thursday.

If you can’t be there… well, sucks for you.
(Just kidding… sort of.)

Who wants to ELSA their way to more leads?? 🙌🏼

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 10

Marley Jaxx

What if the real stress wasn’t from what you’re doing, but from not knowing what’s next?

Sometimes the most stressful part of the workload isn’t the actual tasks… it’s the ambiguity.

It’s the nagging feeling that there’s still so much left to do, that never ending sense of “I’m not doing enough.”

You know what it feels like getting to the end of the day and feeling like you barely scratched the surface? Exhausting.

Until… I started scheduling my week in advance.

Every day has its tasks, its goals, and its plan.

I know exactly what I need to accomplish, and I no longer have to worry about what’s hanging over my head.

When the day ends, I can actually *put it down.*

There’s no need to carry the stress forward because I tomorrow is already set. The plan is there, and the rest is on track.

I don’t chase the day anymore—because I already know what’s coming.

The secret to doing enough is knowing when you’ve done exactly what’s needed for today and not borrowing stress from tomorrow.

1 month ago | [YT] | 15

Marley Jaxx

Get around people who cheer you on when you fail and keep you grounded when you succeed.

It’s easy to find people who will clap when you’re winning, but the real ones will cheer the loudest when you fall flat on your face.

These are the people who know that failing isn’t the opposite of succeeding. It’s part of the same process.

They remind you that one mistake doesn’t define you, and they push you to keep going when everything in you wants to quit.

They don’t just cheer when things are good—they stand by you when things fall apart.

But just as important, you need people who keep you grounded when you’re flying high.

You need the ones who aren’t afraid to pull you back down to earth when the spotlight gets bright.

The ones who will remind you where you came from, who you are at your core, and what matters beyond the wins.

Find those people. The ones who lift you up when you’re down and hold you steady when you’re up.

Because success is fleeting, failure is inevitable, but the people who have your back through it all are the ones who make it all worth it.

1 month ago | [YT] | 32

Marley Jaxx

The more I PLAY
The more I GET PAID

New motto for all the hustlers out there who need a reminder that “fun” is still part of the job description

1 month ago | [YT] | 7

Marley Jaxx

What about you today would make your 8-year-old self cry?

I think about 8 year old Marley more often than I’d like to admit.

At 8 years old, life was simple. Dreams were vivid, boundaries didn’t exist, and everything seemed possible.

You’d catch me back then with scraped knees, wild ideas, and a belief that anything could happen if I wanted it badly enough.

My biggest concerns were which tree to climb or what adventure to dream up next.

I wonder what my 8-year-old self would see if she looked at me today.

Would she tell me I’ve forgotten how to play?

How I traded in the joy of just BEING for an endless to-do list?

Would she wonder why I stopped making time for the things that lit me up, like spending hours drawing or getting lost in a book?

I used to think there was time for everything. Now, sometimes, I act like there’s time for nothing.

Would she see that sometimes I’ve let fear creep in where there used to be only curiosity?

That girl wasn’t scared of trying new things, of failing, of falling flat on her face.

Somewhere along the way, I picked up the habit of second-guessing everything, and if I’m honest... I think it’d break her heart to see that.

At 8 years old, “no” wasn’t a permanent answer, everything was negotiable, and if you wanted something badly enough, you could create it.

Today, it’s easy to forget that. To think limits are real when they aren’t.

All an 8 year old wants to do is believe in magic and keep going, no matter what.

At 33 I have to ask my 8 year old self for advice… often I’m waiting for the “right” time when she’d know better.

She’d know the right time was always right now.

She’d tell me to let go of the fear, to stop second guessing, and to climb the damn tree.

And I think, for her, I will.

1 month ago | [YT] | 18

Marley Jaxx

Who is watching FHL?! 🙌🏼

Brendan Burchard’s session was amazing, and some of my favorites are still to come tomorrow and Saturday!

Steve and I are both hosting breakout room sessions happening later today - I’ll link below for anyone who wants to watch!


1 month ago | [YT] | 22