Just some fat loser who loves technology, enjoys spreading knowledge with the world.

If you’re reading this and you got any codes, coupons I’ll gladly take them; especially if it’s coffee or pizza related.


Update, there always seems to be a challenge in life that becomes an obstacle to overcome, but that is life.

I wish to choose my words very vaguely, but this love and hate relationship I have with YouTube finally seems to be blowing over, and I’m starting to feel a bit more comfortable with making content again.

However it won’t be that frequent because during December a deer hit my car, so I’ve got stuck with the repair bill cause insurance are a bunch of scammers. So I’ve been grinding my butt off in a rental car until I can fix my main car


Anywho, I want to start providing content on this and my other multiple channels.

Codexual for all nerdy things.

Hackxual for all hacking related things (do not ask me for anything on this matter. You get what you get, learn what you learn. I’m not your friend, I won’t ReCoVeR any account nor will I help you get ReVenGe. Sorry if that sounds rude but I’m looking out for myself and my best interests and not violating any laws nor my morals). <3

ASMRxual for all them sleepy vibes

And I also want to start a firearms channel, I’m just not sure what to call it yet.

Anyways, I’m always streaming on twitch as per usual doing something if I ain’t on YouTube.

But I’ll see you guys real soon!!!

1 year ago | [YT] | 8


Hey chat, it's been a year since I actually dropped some tutorial content. Welp I am back at the grind, for those whom are not in the loop I've been lazy about it and Live Stream on that purple site instead. After a recent ban from that forsaken website I moved over to Kick. However I've had some reflection that I've been putting the grind into the wrong site.

You will expect for content from me on this channel, right now it will be for sure tutorial related. As I am grateful for this channel the problem is I really can't mix up my content, I solely don't want to focus on just tutorials alone. I do have a wild sense of humor I want the world to see.

So I am unsure if this channel will have additional more personality content like just "Filthy Frank" vibes in the mix, or something or just post all that cringe behavior on a separate channel... I dunno but I will figure it out, but for now, do expect more tutorials down the pipe line!

Thanks for being here on my adventure!

1 year ago | [YT] | 9