Charlie Narduzzo

Since I was a kid, I used to play any kind of instrument that I had the chance to hold in my hands. I used to love playing and beating the cushions of couch at home, buzzing out wearing an electric guitar, trying to pinch the chords, funny cause at the same time I was so attracted by the piano.
Over the years, intrigued by these musical instruments, I started learning guitar and then I attended the Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto for 7 years where I studied many types of percussion, music theory, harmony music, voice and piano.

This allowed me to learn the fundamental concepts and experiences for the career of a musician.

At the age of 14 I formed the "Psychedelicate", my first Pink Floyd Tribute Band, which i still play with and where I'm the lead guitarist and singer.

At 18 I became the guitarist of a band called "Mastica" an acid-rock band famous in all the sixties European scene, with witch I played in several European cities like Barcelona, Monaco, Munich, London, Milan, Ro