Old Time Vintage Country Music .
You will find here long forgotten Bands and Singers of Yesteryear as well as the more well know stars .
Give e'm all a listen they may surprise you,Most were big stars in their Hayday,
My record collection started when I was about 4yrs old,My father was a general dealer and in this line of work came across many old boxes of records and cylinders,
He brought them all home for me and I loved them,These along with the old wind up gramophone were my favourite toys,In those days people just threw these rare objects away,They had had their day so a child could have them,
As i grew older and my father having died when I was 15yrs old i had to resort to junk shops and jumble sales,
But my collection still grew and now I have thousands in all sizes and types.
There are many good Channels on YouTube that also preserve these old recordings,
Go have a look at oldtexasmusic,you will find here many types of old and newer country music,
Also have a look at ageingtrucker,He has some wonderful old Dobro and Island music.
Have a listen to MoJoPiano playing the piano,every bit as good as Del Wood.
I want to thank you all for your comments and support ,
I will try to post recordings that are not already on youtube so will do a search before any are posted.
Thank you for stopping by, Lilly
Vintage music of all types available on sister channel. lillysarchives,