Welcome to a nerdy community where theology, mythology, and fiction meet together! Join us if you are a curious, ever-learning, knowledge-loving, truth-seeking individual, be it an academic or a novice, a believer or a skeptic - you are welcome here!
We cover a plethora of topics by inviting many different guests. Some are scholars, theologians, clergy, book authors, researchers, and some nerdy laymen who love to learn and share their knowledge and results with us. We do not agree with every opinion or conclusion our guests come up with. We do try to be open-minded and objective whenever we investigate a subject, and while we surely respect and cherish all of our guests, not everything stated on the channel represents our view.
Note: To ensure you're not missing out on important videos placed in different sections of the channel, the best way to know you're on top of all the available material is to check the "Playlists." We make sure EVERY video is placed there!