'The channel where marks are made'
...'MAKE-A-MARK' today!
The CIA channel...
Q: What is the smallest thing brought out by the titanic?...
A: Answers.
...'Sometimes the smallest answers are brought out by titanic questions.'
'In a RUT?'...

"Being lost is not a matter of conduct but rather a condition of the heart"
---Charles Stanley.

'I don't believe in forcing my Christianity on people'...'let those who are thirsty come to the waters.'
---Yors Trooley

'God does not believe in atheists therefore atheists do not exist'
---Anon E. Muss

'Please don't judge me on the videos/music I 'like' and/or save.
...Jesus said we are not the judge'.
"Man looks on the outside but God looks at the heart".
---1 Samuel 16:7

NOTE: For those of you who have sent a 'friend request' to me and have not received a response. It is not that I'm not interested...It's only because I'm BUSY! Thanks 4 understanding and have a great day! : )