Any ads you see on youtube are not affiliated with 'That Chemist' or myself, nor do they reflect my views. We have left the youtube partner program. Our only revenue streams are Patreon support from viewers, and the occasional sponsorship.

Hey, welcome to the channel! I'm Dr. Josiah Newton and I have my PhD in chemistry (I am an organic chemist specializing in fluorine and sulfur). We're creating videos about science, but mostly chemistry. I hope that our videos will provide you with some new insight, or at the very least I hope that you will enjoy my anecdotes about organic chemistry.
As a research chemist I’ve always found it enjoyable to share my experiences in the lab with other chemistry enthusiasts. I am always up for questions and discussion.

I am currently open to taking a few more synthetic chemistry consulting clients - B2B only, no designer drugs. Interested people can contact me using the link below (visible on desktop).