Hello all, welcome to my unorganized, but functional channel, where I post various games that I simply enjoy playing! I haven't been posting much as of late, as I'm currently trying my best to establish a career in game development, but I'll try to post some playthroughs every now and then. I tend to upload a lot of JRPGs, such as Persona, Final Fantasy, the Tales Series, Kingdom Hearts, and much more. I LOVE fighting games as well, so expect Smash Ultimate(I'm carried by Lucas), Under Night, P4AU, and much more. I also use this channel to upload gameplay of some of my own personal projects, all of which can be downloaded from this site: imackshun.wixsite.com/portfolio.
Feel free to leave recommendations and I will get to them whenever I can, assuming I'm not in programming maniac mode. That has been the case more frequently as of late, so if I seem inactive, that is probably why.🙂
Shared 5 years ago
Shared 7 years ago