This channel is dedicated to providing information and content on narcissistic personality disorder.
I am not a psychiatrist, counselor or therapist, so everything on my channel will be based on my recent personal experience and through research.
This channel will focus on education and sharing some of my personal experiences to help NPD survivors with information on this disorder, tips to heal and together we will begin this journey of putting our lives back together after Narcissistic Personality Disorder Abuse.
Heal your mind through your body through self-care through enjoyable physical activity.
You can also reach out to your support system or a support group for guidance and care.
The Real Deal on NPD with Myra. All rights reserved. Copyrighted. All videos owned solely by The Real Deal on NPD with Myra.
My work is protected by copyright law and is not to be copied.
@2022 The Real Deal on NPD with Myra.