Welcome to my channel, hope you enjoy the vids, feel free to leave any comments.
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Q&A Infusion26

1. Can you e-mail the tabs?
No. I never use tabs. I always play by ear. Below a link of an article of a fan who gives usefull tips how to learn to play bass by eyes and ears. Enjoy.

2. Which bass guitars do you play?
• Lakland 44-02
• Harley Benton MV-4JB Gotoh BM
• Yamaha BB3000
• Yamaha BB1000
• Epiphone Jack Casady

3. Why don’t you always play the original bass line?
When I am in a flow I improvise. Sometimes a bass line is very simple. Then add some of my own.

4. Are you a professional musician?
No. I am self-taught. For almost 30 years I played in a Dutch cover band.
I produced 2 CD’s of my own music (instrumental). Search for Infusion26 Self Made to find four of my songs.

5. Why don’t you reply on my comment or e-mail?
I don’t always reply. Because I focus on making music. Please continue to respond and make requests for covers!