Hello My name is Soto Senpaii2222 My friends Call me Soto! :3 i LOVE making new friends and i LOVE joining MAPS!! If you have a question including MY email, My real name, can you join my map, or Can i join yours " PLease dont be afraid to ask because i dont bite! :D
If i dont join your map when you ask me about it... please dont get mad! Sometimes youtube is a butt and wont notify me when you comment, or i just honestly cannot join... dont worry if i cant or can i will comment! :D please dont ask too many personal questions because that makes things awkward, lol. My skype is My youtube name exactly! :D (this information about my skype is open publicly for now.... but if you randomly message me EVEryday ALL-day and very innapropietly i will TAKE IT DOWN!!)