The matinée idles

"the matinée idles" (aka kevin barry), formed in Dublin after he released his debut album "Looking for Murphy." 2008/2009.
In 2014 "a festival of colours" his second album was released on his own record label "4 cats the baby & the bird"
the name "the matinée idles" came from his love of film & the sound you get is described as "lyrically dark, atmospheric & cinematic"
"..a record that must go down as one of the most different and artistic efforts to come out of Ireland in a long, long time..." -

".. this is a great album and it will probably feature on a number of "Best of 2014" lists.."
- U&I Music Magazine (

Following the release Kevin signed a 3 year licensing deal for 3 of his songs to a publishing company in the USA. They have placed songs in numerous Hollywood block buster films; their placements include music in Academy Award-winning films such as "Brokeback Mountain", "The Blind Side" and "A Beautiful Mind"