Welcome to my channel!

I am VGjoe, just an ordinary person who likes to play games.
Channel VGjoe is the home of my parody series, challenge playthroughs, regular playthroughs (some with commentary), and random $#!ts.
Like my videos? Feel free to subscribe to my channel!

Upcoming Projects
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts run
Super Bomberman 1-5 playthrough

On hold
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team

Project ideas:
Super Mario RPG (again?) w/ voice commentary
Kirby's Adventure/Nightmare in Dreamland playthrough
Epic Battle Fantasy 3 playthrough
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga low level challenge
Super Mario Bros 3 no item run
Castlevania "GBA Metroidvania" titles
Super Bomberman series playthrough
Touhou custom music run - lol, heresy
Etrian Odyssey FOE/boss run or full playthrough or something
Megaman Starforce trilogy boss run
next parody series...