Greater Manchester Police

The YouTube channel of Greater Manchester Police

We welcome your feedback but we will disable comments on some videos because we wish to avoid any issues in regards to both the investigation and any future court proceedings. We will also remove comments that include swear words, threats, racist language and other inappropriate content.

This channel is not monitored 24 hours a day and should not be used to report crime. Always call 999 in an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, violence is being used or threatened or where there is danger to life. For all other reports, you should go to our website and report online or via livechat, alternatively non-emergencies can be reported by calling 101.

You can also call anonymously with information about crime to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Crimestoppers is an independent charity who will not want your name, just your information. Your call will not be traced or recorded and you do not have to go to court.