The 9/11 Attacks - 'Tuesday Morning in September' A Story

*DVD Purchase link is orange 'B' icon.

Consider visiting the Facebook page for this, and check out other resources there... Something from that day.. that you will not find anywhere else..

Copyright Protected. There is a FB Page for this documentary. You can also purchase a dvd of it. The HQ DVD has a runtime of 130 minutes. If you investigate into what the WTC attack chronicle/real-documentary: 'Tuesday Morning in September' is.. you'll discover; by experiencing the 130 minute continuous running, realtime. .actual authentic, true to that day account..That; it is not mere footage, but is a serendipitous composition, that is a story from 9/11/2001. It is a piece; that is a whole in-itself, in its entirety.. that can give you.. the closest knowing ,what it was like to watch it all unfold before you, as if you were there that day.. a natural paradigm experience.. It is not like anything else from that day. There is no other material from 9/11 that can give you what this one can.