We Are Playgrounds

Playgrounds aims to excite, explore and inspire artists and storytellers worldwide!

With in-depth interviews with renowned and emerging visual artists, artist talks and panel discussions about current topics in the industry, we share knowledge, skills and inspiration in order to empower creatives.

Next to releasing talks and interviews recorded at our (online) festivals, we also broadcast a live show called Playgrounds TV.
Imagine everything! Join the Playgrounds and subscribe to our channel for regular updates!

Upcoming events:
The Art Department Eindhoven | 20+21 Apr 2023 | weareplaygrounds.nl/event/the-art-department-eindh…
The Art Department Berlin | 13+14 May 2023 | weareplaygrounds.nl/event/the-art-department-berli…
Tickets: weareplaygrounds.filmchief.com/tad

Want to watch more talks and interviews? Check out our streaming service REPLAY