Scott The Animator EST. 1972

Dear Youtube Users, All Accounts Will Be Deleted This Following December, Paste This On Your Channel To Save Your Channel From Being Deleted, Don't Change This Info, Or Else Your Channel Will Be Deleted, It Is Because There's About 1,000,000 Fake Accounts. Sorry for This!- YouTube Team

Hello. my name is Scott, adult who to be 18 year old.

and we're the logo remaker to give suprises to my friends.

Games that i like
Namco Museum
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Maker 2
Virtua Racing
and More!

Games that i hate
Scary video games
innapropriate games
Rated M Games

My best friends on google!
Hangouts and Create Blender Logos and more
Victor Hugo Ochoa
Aidan Defrehn
Limited Time Offer
20thCenturyNightmareSonic 01
TotallySpies!BFDIandVictorHugoOchoaFanEst. 2002
Shushkid K
and more

Users i don't like
WWE And Furby
Chrome and Barney
Tennis Ball
Mark Rojas
Nyancat The Logo Remaker
Alex H
Sebastian The Logo Remaker
and more