Tineke Rensen WaterHealing

Live a Happy, Healthy and Vital life. Reconnect with your intuition through the energy of water. Take aligned action, and you will have flow in your life, bringing about magical results. We are water, we connect with water. This is a fact, you don't need to believe it.
Tineke also educates the world about water, which is liquid gold. It has many hidden powers that most people are unaware of.

With a 15-year background in consulting and coaching women to scale their businesses, Tineke brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her clients. Her 35 years of personal business experience, including owning a watersports centre, further reassures you of her expertise.

During her water healing actvities, clients will reconnect back to the waters communication. This shows in a vast improvement of their intuition.

Check out www.WaterHealing.eu
Tineke Speaks about various topics on worldwide stages; this is the website: www.TinekeRensen.com