The Short Answer: Old School Vlogging, Youtube Community Support, and a Peek into my real life.

This journey through religion, ethics, humanity, and opinion has no destination, but is in reality an ever winding road. Whether it's organized religion, ancient philosophy or my own investigations of the world as I see it, I try to look deep. I'm interested in the kernels of things and the complex, sometimes contradictory, truths. It doesn't bother me too much if I can't find clear answers -- that, after all, is the result of the nature of the questions!
Hi Everyone! I am ZenArcher also known to friends as "Poe". My Mission here, if there is one, Is to show you that you can find inner peace without being a monk or guru. The Biggest Lesson here? "Happiness is a Choice" & You Can Be Happy if you choose to be.

Please Subscribe & Stay Tuned for more of My Zen Life. You never know what maybe just around the next corner.