This channel is focused on the use and deployment of amateur radio gear for tactical and emergency communications.
-1 video
Retevis/Ailunce Radios
4 videos
Field Power Packs
2 videos
TYT MD-UV380 & MD-UV390
20 videos
Yaesu FT-65 / FT-4X
9 videos
Practical COMSEC Practices
7 videos
Speaker Mics
13 videos
Yaesu FT-60
30 videos
CCR's (Cheap Chinese Radios)
24 videos
Wouxun Radios
29 videos
TID Radio
16 videos
Wouxun KG-935G
17 videos
Tactical Shotgunner Pro Tips
14 videos
Tactical Revolvers
5 videos
Tactical Headsets
Yaesu VX-6
Alinco DJ-VX50
3 videos
Baofeng UV-9G
6 videos
You Need Comm Gear...NOW!