Keyena Kler

You know how when you don't talk about something, it doesn't become real.

Like staying quiet keeps reality from crashing down, upon you.

Maybe you don't want to admit what you know to be true, because then you have to deal with it.

Not even a month after my grandfather unexpectedly passed away, my grandmother was admitted to Vancouver General Hospital, where she spent the last four weeks of her life.

Less than 2 months after my grandfather passed, my grandmother passed away last night. And until sitting down to write this, I didn't realize how devastated I am.

It is one thing to lose a loved one, it is another to lose two in such a short period of time.

My natural instinct is to keep moving, even though I know I have to mourn and let myself grieve by standing still in the hurt of my losses to truly move forward.

For once in my life, I don't have a plan for what these next few weeks are going to look like for me. It is up to me to do what's best for me.

It's my favorite time of the year, I love my job, and am so incredibly grateful for all the opportunities I have been given. While healing and taking care of my family, both sides of them, is my top priority, I am not going to stop myself from celebrating little things, sharing my life, and doing what makes me happy.

If I feel like doing nothing, that is what I will do. And if I feel like planning out my halloween costumes while going through one of the most emotionally tumultuous periods of my life, that is also what I will do. Healing is not linear and doesn't need to be explained. Everybody's journey is different.

As always, thank you for all the support you have given me and my family over these past few months, they are so incredibily appreciated! Please bear with me for the next little bit, as I don't know what my content rollout will look like. But please know, if you do see my posts, it is because it is bringing me joy, in an awfully, difficult time, to share my life, good and bad, with you 🫢🏼

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 1

Keyena Kler

happy fall ✨🍁

thank you for all the love on my latest youtube videos 🫢🏼

and to my new subscribers, welcome to our community here on youtube! I make videos all about knowing your worth, achieving your goals, and becoming the best version of you to create your dream life 🀍

I've been planning out content for the rest of the year and I am truly so excited for 2025! it is gonna be one of the best years yet, because we are going to be so prepared for it! so you will definitely want to stay tuned for when that content rolls out in November!

up until then, I have some fabulous fall videos coming to you in the next few weeks! unfortunately, I have had some unexpected events take place in my life recently; therefore, I will not be able to get a new video up this week :(

I am hoping to be back the following week, but it's hard to say right now with everything going on in my personal life. But I will share more as soon as I can!

if you want to keep up with me in the meantime, you can check out my other social media pages:


thank you so much for being here, it means the world to me, and I cannot wait to get back to creating the videos we love πŸ¦‹

NEXT VIDEO: UBC MIDTERM SEASON (a university, studying, and balanced vlog)
(tentatively) OCTOBER 6TH, 2024 6PM PST πŸ‚βœ¨πŸ›οΈπŸŒ†

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 0

Keyena Kler

happy monday 🀍

unfortunately, there is no new video this week or the following week due to a family emergency. my grandpa unexpectedly passed away last week, which has been an immense loss for myself and my family πŸ‘ΌπŸΌπŸ€

while I have taken some time away from social media to grieve and process my emotions, I also feel myself wanting to return to posting when I'm ready, even if I don't return to my posting schedule right away.

creating content brings me so much joy and is a regular part of my routine, and often uplifts me during challenging times. so, I am just going to go with the flow and see where it takes me.

I appreciate your support, patience, & bearing with me during this time 🫢🏼 and I cannot wait to get back to creating content for you!

as always, thank you so much for being here πŸ¦‹


2 months ago | [YT] | 0

Keyena Kler

happy friday my loves πŸŒ±πŸ“

thank you so much for all the love on my LIFE RESET: post grad edition video βœ¨πŸŽ“ it felt like the perfect pilot for kickstarting my gap year and letting the post grad content roll!

as much as I would love to be back this week with another video, some events in my personal life have resulted in me needing to take a breather and prioritize self-love and compassion right now πŸ’“

thankfully! all things content creation are blooming, so I've had plenty of opportunities to dive into and build my dream career over the past three months! new youtube videos are in the works (literally being edited as we speak), as well as content for my instagram ( and tiktok (!

if you want to keep up more with me and the latest updates, consider joining my email list (, so you can eventually receive my newsletter πŸ’Œ don't worry you will never be spammed, as it takes time to create valuable long-form content, so while I'm still working out the details of my newsletter, I assume it will likely rollout bi-weekly or once a month to start! ✨

as always, thank you so much for being here! πŸ¦‹

NEXT VIDEO πŸ“Ή: July 28th, 2024 (6PM PST)

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 0

Keyena Kler

happy saturday πŸ’“πŸͺ🎧

hope you are having the most lovely morning! disappeared for two weeks during midterms, I missed uploading so much, but luckily it paid off and I got an A on each of my four midterms πŸ˜‡ which is LITERAL proof that if you prioritize yourself and your goals, they will absolutely come to fruition!

anyways, I have a sweet little video coming to you tomorrow evening titled "WINTER AT UBC πŸŽ§βœ¨β„οΈβ›ΈοΈ"! it's perfect for romanticizing the last few weeks of winter here in Vancouver (or wherever else you live that is cold!). you get to spend both a snow day with me but also a super fun tradition at UBC known as the Winter Classic!

hope you love it as much as I did filming & editing it for you! the little break I took gave me some time to reflect and re-inspire myself to be even more intentional with my content! so I am so excited to be back creating and filming again for you! let me know if there's anything special you want to see πŸ’›

7 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 1

Keyena Kler

happy friday πŸ’›πŸ¦‹

creating lil videos has been so much fun over the past six weeks! I am so happy with how I've been able to make time for youtube during the busiest semester of my undergrad at UBC ✨

that being said, this week has been one of my two busiest weeks of the entire semester, with two midterms, a case study, 2 quizzes, and kickstarting my winemaking assignment 🎧 so practicing what I preach, I decided to post-pone this week's video, ROMANTICIZING WINTER AT UBC ❄️, until next Sunday!

as you guys know, balance and self-care are so important to me, and are absolutely essential for me to reach my goals πŸ’« so this week I've been shifting my focus to study for my four midterms (2 down, 2 to go next week) to priortize my goal of graduating with honours from UBC!

then when I wrap up my last midterm before reading week next Friday, I can re-align my focus to prioritize my most important goals πŸ’˜ if there's anything I've learned from working towards my nutrition and psychology degree, it's that there is no "right thing", there's only DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR YOU!

so if any of you are out there, stressed about working towards one goal, while another one is being put on the backburner, let this be your *sign* that you have to prioritize not only what's best for you, but what is most important at this present moment!

you can do it all, but you can't do it all at the same time, all of the time.

and on my channel, I always want to inspire + motivate you to become the best version of you and create your dream life, but a big part of that is keeping it real and enjoying the journey 🫢🏼

see you next week!



8 months ago | [YT] | 1

Keyena Kler

happy sunday lovelies πŸŽƒ

thank you so much for all the love on the fall videos I've created over the past two months ✨

unfortunately today, there will be no new video, as I have a midterm tomorrow in my relationship development class. but hopefully coming up next week I'll have an extra special *GLOW UP* vlog coming to you!

initially I wanted to film a glow up for back to school video, but with how crazy it's been starting my senior year, I post-poned the video until I had the time to give it my everything 🍁

it's giving girl chat on facetime as you get glammed up with your bestie, taking back your power, becoming the most confident *it girl* version of you, and finishing 2023 as strong, if not stronger, than you start πŸ’«

can't wait to share it with you next week!

xoxo, love keyena 🫢🏼

1 year ago | [YT] | 0

Keyena Kler

happy saturday loves πŸ¦‹

as you know, the second part of my *hot girl summer* series is supposed to go up tomorrow evening; however, I've been feeling burnt out recently and know that if I continue to push myself I will eventually hit a wall πŸ’“

as much as I feel disappointed that I won't be able to get this video up on time, I know that *BALANCE* is one of the most important things I preach to you and I don't want to promote pouring from an empty cup ✨

there's definitely a time and place for hustling and staying committed to our intentions, but self care and balance are just as important, and even more so when your life feels like your running on a treadmill 🫢🏼

in terms of what's currently going on in my life: I have a midterm on the visual system, sensory systems, and sensorimotor systems on monday and a final on wine regions the following monday, swimming report cards to write, some collaborations to finalize, but also...

for this video, I still have two sections (at least) left to film to make this video exactly what I want it to be πŸ“Ή
& I'd much rather get the video up a few days later (or next Sunday if necessary) instead of rushing up a shorter, incomplete video

so thank you so much for your patience with me as I navigate these busy days ahead! if you want to see more from me in the meantime, be sure to check out my instagram and tiktok for more content from me πŸ’«


1 year ago | [YT] | 0

Keyena Kler

hello loves πŸ’Œ

as you know, I've been uploading my YouTube videos on Wednesdays right now, but since I have two midterms this week, Tuesday (tomorrow) and Wednesday, this week's video is going to go up on Sunday instead, to give myself enough time to make it it's best 🎞️

Sunday used to be my regular posting time, so depending on how things go for this next little bit, I'm thinking about changing my posting schedule back to Sundays, I will definitely make a post next week to let you know ✨

Thank you so much for being here, I love making videos and be sure to check out my profiles on Instagram & TikTok for more content πŸ¦‹



1 year ago | [YT] | 0