Feeding my local foxes called Tahlulah and Eddie. I hope they bring you some of the same joy they bring me.

Tahlulah The Fox


2 months ago | [YT] | 90

Tahlulah The Fox

A proper introduction to Philip, now that I finally have a good photo of him. Philip is a very handsome and very shy boy who is part of Tahlulah and Stanley's skulk. I'm not sure if he is Stanley's brother or son, but the pair of them are very close. Stanley will often leave food and take food over to Philip if he's too nervous to come over to me. Last week, Stanley took a whole chicken breast over to Philip to share it with him instead of eating it by himself.

Unfortunately, I don't know much more about Philip since he's so shy. He does help care for the cubs. We see him carrying food back to the den sometimes. He also took food back to Tahlulah just after she had the cubs and couldn't leave them. He's such a sweet boy, and it's somewhat of a relief that Tahlulah and Stanley have some extra help looking after and protecting the cubs.

6 months ago | [YT] | 126

Tahlulah The Fox

After a very long wait, I finally met Stanley in the daylight, and got some 'proper' photos of him. He's still very wary of me, but for him to turn up while it's still light is a huge achievement for him since he feels safer lurking in the shadows.
The photos do this boy no justice, he is an absolutely magnificent big fox. He is definitely the king around here. During my break in February and March, Stanley had a bad injury to his right hind leg and was hoping around on only 3 legs. It made him feel much more vulnerable, and we didn't see much of him. He's made a full recovery and is getting much more confident around me, and he will now come up to the top step for food. He will probably never be as confident as Tahlulah, but he knows that he's safe in our garden, which is all I want from the foxes ❤️🦊

6 months ago | [YT] | 92

Tahlulah The Fox

After a very long wait, I finally met Stanley in the daylight, and got some 'proper' photos of him. He's still very wary of me, but for him to turn up while it's still light is a huge achievement for him since he feels safer lurking in the shadows.
The photos do this boy no justice, he is an absolutely magnificent big fox. He is definitely the king around here. During my break in February and March, Stanley had a bad injury to his right hind leg and was hoping around on only 3 legs. It made him feel much more vulnerable, and we didn't see much of him. He's made a full recovery and is getting much more confident around me, and he will now come up to the top step for food. He will probably never be as confident as Tahlulah, but he knows that he's safe in our garden, which is all I want from the foxes ❤️🦊

6 months ago | [YT] | 87

Tahlulah The Fox

It's not a great photo, but both Tahlulah and Stanley chose to lie down within a couple of metres of where I was sitting. I feel very privileged that they trust me this much 🦊❤️

10 months ago | [YT] | 359

Tahlulah The Fox

I am so lucky to have this absolutely magnificent creature in my life

10 months ago | [YT] | 189

Tahlulah The Fox

We finally had our first face to face meeting with Godzilla last night. He was there and being friendly with Philip (Eddie's dad), so I think they might be brothers? Sorry, it's not the best quality photo, he wouldn't come any closer. Philip was also very shy, but hopefully, now that they know that I'll feed them, they will start trusting me more 🦊❤️

11 months ago | [YT] | 112

Tahlulah The Fox

I want to say a big thank you to the subscribers on Instagram. I was able to get Tahlulah more of her favourite treats thanks to them. She looks so proud in the second picture 🥰🦊

1 year ago | [YT] | 102

Tahlulah The Fox

Alfie update. I waited a couple of days to give an update since I spoke too soon last time. He's still not 100% but much better than he was on Wednesday. Thank you again for all of the kind messages ❤️

1 year ago | [YT] | 51

Tahlulah The Fox

Alfie update. At first, the vet's thought he just had a urinary blockage, but there seems to be more going on.

1 year ago | [YT] | 33