The purpose of this channel is to educate people on Islam and the life of a Muslim. We Call to goodness and warn against extremism, & Evil. We hope our videos will inspire you to be better contributors to society, to treat your parents and relatives well and uphold the ties of kinship. We want you to be motivated to seek knowledge of Islam upon the correct understanding and to become people of high morals, ethics, and values. "There are four characteristics that, if you possess them, will prevent you from being affected if you are deprived of certain worldly benefits. They are good character, chaste outlook, honesty, and trustworthiness."
We post Islamic content only. Quran [Translations, Explanations & Recitations], Lectures & Stories of scholars, prophets, companions, prominent figures, etc. You can expect all information to be authentic, reliable and upon the understanding of the Prophet and his companions. Email me for any questions :)