I didn't monetize any content on my channel.κίνημα - γραφική - φωςBewegung - Grafik (Abbildung) - LichtMovement - Graphic - Light youtube.com/@teotosone2
14 videos
Behind the scences (English/Subtitles)
4 videos
Behind the scenes / Es war einmal...
11 videos
Behind the scenes (castellano)
3 videos
Behind the scenes (Italiano)
on seidl
7 videos
Psychtherapeutische Schulen
5 videos
Paul Schrader Film Commentaries
Touch of Evil Commentaries
23 videos
Audio Commentary
Hans Zimmer
9 videos
Flesh&Blood Audio Commentary
The Making of Midnight Express
2 videos
Charlie Kaufman - Synekdoche,New York interview
Retrospective - looking back at THE WALL
-1 video
Billy Wilder
Michael Haneke #3
Alexander Kluge im Gespräch mit Michael Haneke #2
10 videos
Thomas Harlan
HUNGER - Steve McQueen interview
A Legacy Of Filmmakers The Early Years Of American Zoetrope
Georges Delerue [Fr./Engl.]
Ruth Leuwerik
Paul Schrader über Paul Schrader (deutsch)
Patrice Leconte
8 videos
A Tale of Two Sisters