Hey everybody! I am the world-renown Kescarte DeJudica, and welcome to my channel Kes Gaming.

Here on my channel, you'll find my "Rise to The Top!" series, which is a completionist, walkthrough-type series focused on playing through a game while attempting to do everything possible to do in the game. Every level, every achievement. If it has it, we're doing it.

While I will sometimes pre-record videos for this series, I prefer to do episodes live. That way I can interact with my lovely audience, and they can come along for the ride.

Which games do I play? All of them. All. Of. Them.

A little less radical, I also make guides, reviews, news about updates in the games I am playing, and other typical Let's Player crap like that. These tend to bring in people who have never really seen me before. All part of my master plan really. Think about that.

Do you remember 2013 YouTube? Here, it never left.
