You know when certain songs come on and you can’t figure out who sings them – or what they're called, but, for some reason, you know all the words? The songs you forgot about? The songs you haven’t heard in years? The songs you know, but don’t know why you know them?
We play those songs.
In the fall of 2013, 5 friends set up a drum set and plugged in some amplifiers in a frat house basement in Champaign, IL. Ten years, several hundred shows, and several thousand songs later – here we are, The Socially Acceptable Band. We’re a 5-piece band based in Chicago, IL. We play other bands' famous songs, and we play our own.
In May of 2023 we released our EP, “Don’t Know Yet,” a collection of 6 tracks that encompass many of our diverse musical influences, with at least 1 song written by each member of the band. You’ll hear alternative, folk, rock, prog, funk, and even country influences throughout the tracks, with several nods to The Windy City sprinkled throughout.