Welcome to Planet Nibiru! You can follow us on our social media pages as well as our website to get all the latest updates on whats happening in the world of science, paranormal, space, weather, technology, cataclysms, conspiracies and so much more here on our little blue planet. We follow the approach of Planet X as well as many so-called Conspiracy Theories like Yellowstone, 9/11, Fukishima, The Mandela Effect, Aliens and an endless array of other subjects. Join us as we explore the strange side of science and technology. We discuss many alternative phenomenon that aren't covered by the mainstream media. We encourage individual thought and free discussion.

Please send us your photos, videos or any information you may have regarding Planet X, Nibiru, UFOs and Aliens.
Send to: planetxapproaches@gmail.com

Our community is only as strong as our members, so let's help each other connect the dots and find the truth so we can help others think for themselves.