This channel is currently retired and won't EVER be uploading another video sadly since I got 2 strikes against this account and don't want it to die off forever, please subscribe to my new channel ^^

I love you my Sweetie Meroko Timmy ^^ Your mine forever and always =3 DONT U FORGET THAT xD IK HOU VAN JOU *snuggles*^^ your the best boyfriend in the universe =3

Inspiration to make videos or even really care = Coming back? o.o

Meps/collabs inspired me a lot to make more ^-^ It's hard for me to resists a mep even if I don't plan on doing one, something I get sucked in by temptation and my video making skillz shine back. I'm also starting to really love my videos again ^-^

Hmm I'm best at making Stitch movies since there so fun and lots of experience and I guess I'm....okay at making Pokemon/Hamtaro movies although not much experience xD I don't think ever tried any other type of movie LOL

probably wont be making videos for a while ;-; (Look's like "a while" has passed since I started making lots more ROFL!)

;-; *is crushed and sad* still over losing my other account, but thats to be expected xD

New Video: None ever ;-;

Meps In Progess: none ever :(