Hi, my name is Kristin, and I am a 15 year old girl from Norway. I once used to be incredibly active on this account, popping up with videos every second, and rating videos like crazy. January 2009, I got diagnosed with anorexia. It has taken me a year, lots of tears and a lot of support to get me through it. Today, with my hand on my heart, I can finally say that it's all over.

It has taken me a while to finish a vid. I have tried, and i tried vidding even at my worst, but every project ended up in the garbage can. As I am writing this 11:39 PM, Saturday the 28th of November, I finally finished a video. And you know what? it sucks! BAD! And I couldn't care less!!! I'm vidding again! I've finished a vid, and I am posting it on youtube right this second!

Thank you so much to all of my subscribers for sticking to me. At first my videos aren't going to be really great, and I probably won't vid as often as I did before, but I'll try. I even see that i have gotten a hundred new subscribers since I left! thank you so much, honestly it means a lot.

Now, over to my favorite fandoms. I love pretty much everything, but I will most likely be vidding
- One tree hill
- Supernatural
- Glee
- Gossip Girl
- True Blood
And many more!

Current favorite couples:
- Dean/Haley
- Rachel/Finn
- Puck/Quinn
- Sookie/Eric
- Chuck/Blair

Current favorite characters
- Haley James
- Dean Winchester
- Chuck Bass
- Eric Northman
- Jason Stackhouse
- And the entire Glee cast!