WARNING: The owner of this youtube channel reserves the right to report persons advocating a violent response to this Hate Crime (Organized Stalking AKA Gang-Stalking) to the appropriate authorities.
"It should be concluded that stalking statutes address fighting words because stalking may cause the victim to resort to violence or to cause a breach of peace. In "Applying Stalking Statutes To Groups - 1995 Dickinson/Pen State Law Review."
"The majority of dead Targets are men. The majority of living Targets are women. Women have developed coping strategies. The inability to tolerate deliberate personal assaults, the inability to adapt get male Targets arrested or killed." -MultiStalk Forum.
"Stalking group members appear to be mentally retarded or deluded into believing that they are Secret Agents. Born on the arrogance that nobody can stop them. The power to destroy individuals imbues stalking groups with godlike power and omnipotence... A court will never know what really happened." -David Lawson P.I.
You are better off by learning to cope with the "Secret Agents," Tormentors AKA GangStalkers. At least now you are able to speak out.
Speak out! Speak out now! If you don't speak out now, when they come for you. There will be no one left to speak out for you if you end up in prison or dead.
So no matter how much you are tortured, persecuted, abused and humiliated. You cannot give them the pleasure of a response. Say "NO" to violence.
Violence is exactly is what they want. The sole objective of a stalking group is to create a violent response. To create a crime. To create a criminal conviction for a violent crime. Your very same stalkers will be the ones pressing charges against you and even more members of their stalking group will serve as impartial witnesses. Police Officers will side with them....and a Court will never know what really happened.
DON'T DO IT! We won't be able to write you on the joint .
Standing Strong Against Hate and Extremist Stalking Groups.
It turns out that I am "just" another T.I. An individual Targeted by Hate Groups and by Extremist Gangs.
Involve hundreds of stalkers, operating 24x7 against a lone target. Operations involve surveillance and harassment campaigns. Destroying a target (me) enhances the self-image and reputation of these groups.
- "Never be bullied into silen