drinks sufuricacid then sees michael jackson.
My pronouns: Ely / She / Her ( if necessary )
As for you guys, I'll call yall as " Da Best " ;)
my English sucks cuz ill never understand how grammar works prob lol
super lazy xd cuz animations are not being posted too often.
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Also my vids are for 13+ only ( some vids might be above ages, which will be listed on the title )
It's very disrespectful when reposting my vids without asking my permission !! aaaaaaaaa
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Any questions/request? Don't be lazy to contact me via emailxD: 3lix1ree@gmail.com ( yes 2 e's cuz theres an impostor hav the same name as iam eeeeeeeeee, and doing sum commissions, remove the video req, tutorials )
Other social medias are linked so you might find it in the desc.