"Sankalp Classes " Ganganagar welcomes you all at our YouTube Channel of "Sankalp Coaching" .
Sankalp में 1st , 2nd , 3rd grade अध्यापक ,REET/RTET , TET RAS , SI , पुलिस कांस्टेबल ,
Patwar , ग्राम सेवक , L.D.C. , जूनियर अकाउंटेंट S.S.C, एग्रीकल्चर सुपरवाइजर, लैब अस्सिस्टेंट , जैल प्रहरी,महिला सुपरवाइजर, बैंक , लाइब्रेरियन रेलवे आदि की प्रतियोगिता परीक्षाओ की तैयारी कराई जाती है !
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48, मुखर्जी नगर, नजदीक मैन बस स्टैंड, श्रीगंगानगर
Contact Us :- 98750-75725, 97832-51444
"Sankalp" means an intention formed by the heart and mind - a solemn vow, determination, or will. In practical terms a "Sankalp" means a one-pointed resolve to focus both psychologically and philosophically on a specific goal. A sankalp is a tool meant to refine the will, and to focus and harmonize mind and body and that is the main vision of Sankalp team .