When I first started this channel I was raising a chameleon named Rango, I decided to name the channel after Rango. Then I started making video's about mealworms and people wanted to know more about how I was raising mealworms, and the channel took off with lots of subs and views, as anybody knows life sometimes throws you a curve ball and everything changes. My wife started getting bad about not being able to walk and take care of herself, then Rango passed away, then work got busy and I found myself not having any time to do what I liked doing was to make videos, then my dad passed away, then my mom started getting bad about not taking care of her self, she's better now, the mealworms got mites, then my wife had to be put into a nursing home, after all that I started making videos again about model cars I started working on to help me cope with the stress, I would like to thank everyone from long time and new subscribers for watching my videos and having your support, your awesome.