I do all sorts of montages, mostly edits so far

Who wants to support the link below


A few days of nerves and overwork were crowned with success! There are still a few countries for which the video remains blocked, but still for most it has become available, which is a victory for me!

6 months ago | [YT] | 0


YouTube has blocked my new video in 206 countries, so most likely you won't see it on my page, but the video itself can be seen on my website for free
(YouTube заблокировал мой новый видос в 206 странах, так что скорее всего вы его не увидите на моей странице, но само видео можно увидеть на моем бусти бесплатно)
Boosty: https://boosty.to/resguy/posts/c2dd7e78-9a52-4e7d-b55f-69761943718f

6 months ago | [YT] | 1