Our CEO and founder Cory Sackett (www.liquidirt.com)
(If we do the right things, for the right reasons, greatness will be at our feet.)
My Life goal has always been to make a difference. A difference that will truly change lives.
The passion behind Liqui-Dirt comes from family and the bonds that are created
with friends. I care deeply for my environment and want to protect the very thing
that gave us life. We only have one world that we are all a part of, which is why I
take an active roll in doing my part to repair the damage that has come from
generations of neglect. This set of core values are the foundation for Liqui-Dirt.
Our goal is to naturally and cost-effectively rebuild ecosystems and continue
to develop better ways of producing healthier plants around the world.
I use ethics, hard work and knowledge from around the globe to bring this
into every product by Liqui-Dirt.
Liqui-Dirtt can repair the very nature of all growing areas and soil conditions.
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago
Shared 55 years ago