LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

As of 7/14/23, I’m done uploading content on this channel with the way YouTube is just continually being bot-run and shooting itself in the foot. All existing content will remain on here, but otherwise, I am absolutely fed up with what this stupid site has done to my channel and my videos. Thank you all for understanding.

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

As promised, here is my new dump account to post "hold over" videos that I wish to make for myself that I didn't otherwise get a chance to make previously. Again, once I have everything I want on that channel, that's it for me. As a reminder, I will no longer be posting anymore individual clips. Thank you all for understanding.

If any case:

3 months ago | [YT] | 35

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

A heads up that I have now officially decided to post a couple videos I want to personally upload on my spare dump account that I had wanted to upload previously before pre-maturely retiring this account. No, these will not be individual clips, and no, I am not coming out of retirement.

These are videos I personally just want to make for myself for the fact that currently I have a lot of irritability, anxiety and PTSD acting up from a toxic apartment neighbor who made my life an absolute living hell ever since she moved into my building in October 2022 with two VERY improperly disciplined little girls who she just lets behave however they want with absolutely zero discipline in their lives and was nothing but a complete nuisance ever since she moved in, completely destroying my mental health throughout 2023, with some neighbors I DID like a lot moving out in August last year that only made my mental health worse, a stupid and pathetic boyfriend who came in with two dogs who are just as easily pathetically disciplined and continually bark to no end with no correction to their behavior, eventually leading to me having a bad mental breakdown back in November last year as a result. Her and I also have had quarrels with each other for me simply voicing my frustrations with her lack of respect for her surroundings, even leading to a police report being filed against me. But that’s all I wish to say regarding that.

They all have since moved out last month, and currently I’m just trying to get my mental health under control. This is why I’m making these videos for myself, and I may also go back to making my nightcore stuff again because I have missed making them. I’m just concerned YouTube’s annoying AI bots are gonna continue fucking me over by force-marking them as for kids.

But quite honestly, people like her are exactly why I don’t trust modern day parents at all with how society has gotten so ridiculously thin-skinned with discipline that the “norm” nowadays is “just let your kids behave however they want and don’t bother parenting your own creations.” It’s shit like this why we have COPPA in the first place.

Anyway, that’s all I needed to say, and for the time being, all I pray to God is I just get much better neighbors in return while I use this as an opportunity to possibly start saving up for my own place, cause quite honestly I am absolutely DONE with apartment life after all the crap I had to put up with for a year and a half. I will post the link to the account once I have some stuff uploaded. Thank you all for your time.

3 months ago | [YT] | 27

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

So it’s kind of undecided for right now, but after six months since putting this channel to rest indefinitely….. I have thought about using a spare “dump” account I have under my same email that uses this account for any character compilations/nightcore videos/double or triple segment character segment videos etc until I have what I want to upload posted on there. Unfortunately YouTube marking one of my Sesame Street videos with MY OWN voice overs that I was lucky AT ALL to appeal was what forced me to retire this channel pre-maturely.

Again, the main issue I’m concerned about is YouTube’s annoying AI bots auto-marking my videos as for kids, especially with my nightcore stuff. So again….. it’s still a bit undecided. But that said, I will not be going back to uploading individual segments or street scenes anymore. I wanted to use my “Alexander Mack” channel but changed my mind on wanting to use that to put SS stuff on there. So I don’t know. Still undecided but we’ll see with this “spare” account I have under my same email.

Otherwise YouTube can kiss my ass with how milk-aged this website has become.

EDIT: Just to make things a bit more clear, if I do choose to put more content on this spare account of mine, once I have what I want uploaded on there, that’s it. I’m done afterwards.

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 36

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

This is how ridiculous YouTube has become now. We lost ‪@AnyDelcourageelmoguy99‬ 's "Patrick Star" account all because of this, whom I helped upload a good portion of SS episodes I remember seeing from my childhood. Literally let this sink in.

And y'all wonder why I retired from uploading videos on this broken ass website 🤷

10 months ago | [YT] | 49

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

I'm officially done with YouTube now. I'll be posting a video explaining my departure on why, but otherwise, this is the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 51

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

A head’s up that I am going to be posting a small update video in a few days (or maybe in a few weeks, I don’t know exactly when) giving an honest explanation on a slightly undecided choice/future for my channel. Stay tuned.

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 52

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

Getting this off my chest:

Honestly, I’m just fucking done with YouTube’s bullshit COPPA system no thanks to these irresponsible parents that just hand their kids digital devices and allow them to do whatever they want.

My channel has gotten so popular now to the point that literally half my videos have been COPPA’d without any notice (including many of my nightcore videos now) and any time I upload a new Sesame Street video, it will IMMEDIATELY be set “for kids” regardless if I chose to set it that way or not.

“bUt SeSaMe StReEt Is A kId’S sHoW, wHaT dO yOu ExPeCt?”

Yes…… I’m fully aware of that. But it doesn’t change the fact at all that the less subscribers and popular your channel is, the less of a chance your videos will get COPPA’d unless you choose to set it that way.

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 40

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

Yeah, shit like this is why I’ve honestly just been done uploading Sesame Street content with how popular my channel is now. Seriously, these videos are next to each other. Only a matter of time till every single recent Sesame Street video I uploaded will end up like this. Just wait. 🙄

Fuck Susan-day YouTube honestly.

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 62

LittleJerryFan92 *RETIRED CHANNEL*

Look. I’m just gonna be brutally honest on something.

I don’t feel happy sharing Sesame Street clips on YouTube anymore. 1), partially because any time I take a break from uploading stuff, people act like I disappeared from the world. 2) I don’t have a lot of stuff to post anymore other than AAPB material. And because the website has made it clear they don’t take kindly to their stuff being shared publicly (rightfully so), I only post stuff few and far between from them if I personally enjoy the clip or feel could use an upgrade. 3) Anytime nowadays I upload a clip that isn’t a nightcore video, YouTube will just selectively mark it as for kids within a few days with how popular my channel is.

I will post one clip later today and a few street scenes I wish to share, but that’s about it for now. I’m also taking a break from my night core videos cause I really wore myself out with them. Don’t really know when I’ll hop back on the trend but we’ll see.

1 year ago | [YT] | 63