Embedded Systems & Automated Vehicles / Safety, Code Quality, Security.For play list index see: users.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/lectures/index.html(Ads sole responsibility of YouTube. I have not monetized my content.)
21 videos
Automated Vehicles -- Truths and Myths
Phil Koopman
4 videos
CRC Examples: Division and Shift Register
13 videos
L136 Automated Vehicle State Policy Issues
25 videos
L131 How Safe Is Safe Enough for Autonomous Vehicles?
22 videos
L128 AV Software Safety Engineering
L127 SPIs and continuous improvement
-1 video
My videos on other accounts
16 videos
L122 Automated Vehicle Safety Update for 2021
11 videos
L16 Software Unit Testing
L121 Automation Modes and ADAS vs. AV and
L104 Implications of Removing the Human Driver
14 videos
L109 UL 4600 Key Ideas
L120 Overview of Automated Vehicle Terminology and J3016 Levels
6 videos
L108 Getting To Deployed and Safe
10 videos
L107 Building Trust
L106 How Safe Is Safe Enough?
L105 Safety Architectures for Vehicle Automation
L103 SOTIF and Edge Cases
L102 Validating Machine-Learning Based Systems
9 videos
L101 Intro -- Software Safety for Vehicle Automation
L41 Embedded System Security: Pitfalls
L40 Embedded System Security: Mitigation and Validation
12 videos
L39 Embedded System Security Vulnerabilities
L38 Embedded System Security Threats
8 videos
L37 Embedded System Security: Security Plans
L36 Embedded System Security: Cryptography
7 videos
L35 Data Integrity Checksums and CRCs
17 videos
L34 Embedded System Safety: Architecture Patterns
L33 Embedded System Safety: Redundancy Management
L32 Embedded System Safety: Critical System Isolation