Alba Marina Fusion Bellydance

Fatchance Bellydance and Fusion Style Bellydancer.
Teacher training dancers, be they hobbyists or professionals for more than 20 years, in all their areas of study. I have extensive experience in the field of dances and studies in pedagogy and didactics (I am also a Visual Arts teacher received at the EMBA), I believe that this makes the classes very rich in nuances and tools to work creatively. Thus providing the students with possibilities to be generated by movement and their own style, always taking care of their body, understanding the limits and possibilities of each one. Understanding the roots and evolution of what we do.
In my "Adamas" school I am teaching private and group classes (closed space of 3 people) and Online, of fusion Bellydance and Fatchance Bellydance Style. You can register from anywhere in the world :)