I'm not in the Illuminati. I don't worship Satan either. I'm not in the ip2 network. There's stalkers all over this site. [Due to a copyright takedown strike this is now a parody/satire channel] 👽🍕🐸🥒🐸🚲"This is my first YouTube channel."T.I.I.News is a GANGSTALKER TROLL FARM & Fake news."BEWARE!". ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️🤡It's getting hot up here. ⚠️ Don't mess with the Straights. ⚠️This door only swings one way💩💩. Gangstalking is GAY AF. This channel is about GANGSTALKERS, #TargetedIndividuals, #GangStalking and the #SantafeGangstalkers. The local Santa fe gangstalkers are rats, snitches, and COP BOOTLICKERS. This is DOMESTIC TERRORISM. Others will do it for free, because they have no soul, and are sociopaths, narcissists, and have psychopathic personalities that cannot be reasoned with. I don't drink, and I don't use drugs.