Family Life Church SD

Family Life Church is a Pentecostal / non-denominational church in San Diego, California. Our senior pastor is Pastor Robert Nigro.

Our vision is to introduce the REAL JESUS to the world.

We believe that LOVE is the mark of a real follower of JESUS. And we show that love by how we relate to the body of Christ. We are friends with one another. We eat together. We’re with each other when children are born. We’re there when someone dies. In a statement, “We do life together”. The church is not just a building where we meet once on Sunday. The church is a family. It is people coming together to BE what God has called us TO BE not just DO what God has commanded us TO DO.
We exist to love God, love one another and love our world.

Welcome to our church. Welcome to our family.


Shared 7 months ago