4 videos
Networking in C++ - javidx9
124 videos
3 videos
Jack Szostak list
15 videos
6 videos
Culture in Decline
Reality Asserts Itself - Chris Hedges interviewed by Paul Jay
9 videos
Drive yourself Sane
17 videos
March against Monsanto - London, Ontario, Canada
105 videos
eCHEM course - UCBerkley
13 videos
Alternative to Chaos
5 videos
Relativity (2011)
99 videos
Richard D. Wolff
-1 video
Zeitgeist Reloaded
68 videos
music list
Solar Pyrolisis
Global Cooling ? Really ?
14 videos
Drawing with Jacque Fresco (basic tutorial)
Zeitgeist Clips
12 videos
Relativity Lecture
8 videos
Exponential Function vs 'what you know'
Awakening :)
2 videos
Jacque Fresco: Laws of Drawing
19 videos
John Taylor Gatto: Teacher's perspective