KDHX is one of the largest, longest-running, and most successful community radio stations in the United States. KDHX stands alone in St. Louis media as the platform where the people you hear come directly from the communities they represent.

• KDHX is a station for music lovers. On KDHX, you can hear metal, jazz, ambient, soul, Hip Hop, bluegrass, and more.

• KDHX is a place to hear perspectives and stories of our region.

•KDHX represents and reflects the broad patchwork of communities that make up St. Louis

KDHX was founded to represent the St. Louis community of listeners–a place where all members of the community can see and hear themselves reflected in the programming. On-air volunteers create programming that is shared across boundaries with the entire KDHX audience. KDHX’s programming helps us understand each other beyond stereotypes or narrow definitions and embrace our larger humanity.

Tune in at 88.1 FM in St. Louis or at KDHX.org.