In-depth reviews and tests of anamorphic lenses and adapters. Find modding instructions, anamorfake tutorials and everything else CinemaScope related. I'm Tito Ferradans and this is the Anamorphic Channel.
8 videos
Anamorphic Cookbook - Module 6
Anamorphic Channel
27 videos
Anamorphic Cookbook - Ongoing
48 videos
AnamorFAKE IT Until You Make It!
9 videos
Anamorphic Cookbook - Module 3
5 videos
Anamorphic Cookbook - Module 1
77 videos
Anamorphic on a Budget Reviews
6 videos
Anamorphic Cookbook - Module 2
22 videos
1.33x Anamorphic Adapters
Anamorphic Shooting 101
20 videos
Single Focus Solutions for Anamorphic
18 videos
2x Anamorphic Adapters
10 videos
SLR Magic Anamorphic Gear